Corporate Governance
Board Charter
This Board Charter sets out the principles for the operation of the Board of Directors (“the Board”) of Innity Corporation Berhad (“the Company”) and its subsidiaries and associate companies (“the Group”) and describes the functions of the Board and those functions delegated to Management of the Company.
The Board collectively leads and is responsible for the success of the Company and the Group by providing entrepreneurial leadership and direction as well as supervision to the management. The Board is the ultimate decision making body.
This Board Charter incorporates the Principles and Practices of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”), as considered appropriate, Ace Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“AMLR”) on corporate governance, certain aspects of the Company’s Constitution and relevant portions of the Companies Act 2016 insofar as the duties and responsibilities of Directors are concerned. This Board Charter is established to promote high standards of corporate governance and is designed to provide guidance and clarity for Directors and management with regard to the role of the Board and its committees. This Board Charter does not overrule or pre-empt the statutory requirements and other relevant statutes. This Board Charter shall form an integral part of each Director’s duties and responsibilities.
The Board Charter has been adopted by and is applicable to all Directors of the Company and, amongst other things, provides that all Directors must avoid conflicts of interest between their private financial activities while conducting their duties in the matter of the company’s business.
The Board derives its authority to act from the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company and the law and regulations governing companies in Malaysia.
functions of the Board are to:
The roles of the Chairman and Managing Director are strictly separated. The Chairman is responsible for:
The Managing Director is responsible for:
The roles and responsibilities of ARMC, RC and NC are set out in the terms and reference of each Committee.
This Board Charter is reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on 22 February 2023
We believe integrity is the foundation of our individual and corporate actions that drives an organization of which we are proud.
We believe teamwork leverages our individual strengths.
We believe a learning environment is the way to achieve the full potential of each individual and the company.
We believe performance excellence will drive the results that differentiate us from our competitors.
The Code of Conduct focuses on our people. Why? The reason is simple. Our Company is more than the wholeof its assets, operations and policies. Most importantly, our employees are the indispensable ingredient that holds Innity together, creates its reputation, and ensures its progress and success.
Our Code of Conduct has been adopted by the Company’s Board of Directors and constitutes the Company’s primary behaviour guide for all Directors and employees of Innity (including employees on contract terms, temporary staff and those on internship or secondment). For this purpose, employees include consultants engaged by Innity on a fulltime basis.
It incorporates our basic standards of ethical legal behavior. It provides emphasis to our commitment, as a corporate family, to ethics and compliance with the law. It alerts employees to critical issues, which require consideration and caution. The Code of Conduct is also designed as a preventive tool – to help prevent and detect violations of the Company’s policies and the law.
The Code of Conduct does not have answers for every situation or dilemma that we may confront. It does provide substantial guidance concerning acceptable behaviour and assistance with various ethical and legal issues.
Ethical behaviour is not always easy to define. However, fairness, honesty, respect and trust (which are inherent in our Core Values of Integrity, Learning, Performance and Teamwork) are the principal characteristics of ethical behaviour. For all of us as employees, the basic requirement is that we conduct ourselves in a responsible manner. Good corporate citizenship requires that we do what is right.
Innity recognizes that its two most important assets are its employees and its integrity. These assets are inseparable. With the objective of attaining the highest standard of business ethics, Innity is dedicated to fostering an environment that is conducive to the achievement of the full potential of each employee. This environment is one where dialogue is fostered through self-expression based on responsible opinions, attitudes and concerns and ensures that proper channels of communication exist to allow such expressions to generate a proper management response.
As you read this Code of Conduct you should bear in mind the following:
The laws and regulations applicable to the matters addressed in this Code of Conduct (e.g., antiboycott, employment, labour, safety and securities laws) are complex, subject to frequent changes and vary from country to country. For this reason, the Company encourages its employees to seek appropriate advice if they have any doubt regarding the lawfulness or appropriateness of any proposed action.
Innity is committed to conducting business in an open and honest manner. All communications, whether internal or external, should be accurate and forthright.
The Company will provide accurate information when promoting its products and services. Misleading, false or exaggerated claims concerning our products and services, or those of our competitors are unacceptable. These same principles must be adhered to when responding to inquiries from customers, fellow employees, the media and regulatory agencies.
The publication or circulation, either internally or externally, of any oral or written statement that is false, derogatory, malicious or defamatory of any other person and in particular Innity’s competitors, is prohibited.
The Company is also committed to fostering an environment where personnel records and medical files are treated with the same respect and confidentiality given to the Company’s and our customers’ records. Innity will only collect, use and disclose employee information on a business need-to-know basis in conformance with applicable regulations or when required by law or court order. This policy also applies to former employees.
The Company has issued and will issue, from time to time, other policies and directives with regard to communications, including the use of Company electronic communications systems. Employees are expected to be familiar with and observe all such policies and directives.
Employees constitute our most indispensable asset. The Company recognized that the inherent value of this asset is reflected in the ability, integrity, knowledge and talent of its employees. To recruit and retain the high-caliber employees that reflect these values, the Company’s guiding principle will be to:
It is the Company’s policy to hire, evaluate and promote employees on the basis of their ability, achievements, experience and performance. Management will promote an environment where merit is the sole predicate for advancement.
Ethnic, racial, religious, sexual or any other type of harassment is unacceptable. An example of unacceptable practices in this regard is the use of the electronic mail system to receive or disseminate correspondence or materials that are sexually offensive, disparaging of others on the basis of age, creed, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or which are false, derogatory to or maliciously critical of others.
In order to provide an environment that is conducive to productivity and personal growth, the Company prohibits sexual harassment of any kind, whether the harasser or the victim is a co-worker, supervisor, agent, customer, guest or vendor. Inappropriate or unwelcome sexual behaviour, either physical or verbal in nature, interferes with and obstructs performance in the workplace, violates Company policy and may constitute sexual harassment, which is against the law in some jurisdictions where we operate. The Company’s policy also prohibits retaliation against anyone who has made a harassment complaint.
If an employee believes he or she has experienced, learned of or witnessed harassment, the employee must immediately notify a Human Resources representative or a supervisor. The Company will promptly investigate each complaint and remedy the situation when a violation of Company policy has occurred.
The laws affecting employment practices are complex and constantly evolving. Therefore, it is critical that each supervisor maintain awareness of the Company’s employment policies by seeking appropriate advice of those within the Company who are responsible for keeping abreast of such legal developments or employment policies, i.e., the appropriate Human Resources representatives or Innity’s Legal Counsel.
Employees must not engage in, or give the appearance of engaging in any activity involving a conflict, or reasonably foreseeable conflict, between personal interests and those of the Company. There must be no divided allegiances between employees, officers and directors and the Company. Therefore, any outside employment or outside business involvement by a Company employee must be made known by the employee to his or her supervisor.
The key to the successful resolution of any Conflict of Interest situation is prior disclosure. Any employee, office or director of the Company having any doubts as to whether a particular set of circumstances constitutes an impermissible conflict of interest should seek appropriate advice and clearance from his or her supervisor before the fact. In case of any doubt, the supervisor should seek appropriate assistance from the relevant officer.
The Company attaches as much significance to its employees’ avoidance of the appearance of irregularity as it does to actual instances of conflict of interest. Perceptions can be just as damaging to the affected employee’s or the Company’s reputation as the reality of a conflict of interest.
The Company may periodically ask employees to submit a formal declaration with regard to possible conflicts of interest. Providing timely, candid responses in such declarations is a condition of continuing employment. All such declarations and other information reported by employees relating to conflict of interest shall be maintained by the Company on a confidential basis, unless otherwise required to disclose by law or court order.
Please refer to: 4.4 Conflict Of Interest Policy for more details in all manner related to this.
Management, shareholders, creditors, our colleagues and government entities rely upon the accuracy of the Company’s accounting records. It is therefore imperative that the accounting records and reports produced or derived from those records, be maintained and presented in accordance with the laws and regulations in each applicable jurisdiction. Those records must accurately and fairly reflect in reasonable detail the assets, liabilities, expenses and revenues of the Company.
The responsibility for ensuring that false or intentionally misleading entries are not made in the Company’s accounting records resides not only with finance and audit personnel but also with all other employees.
False and misleading accounting records, transactions, books and reports are strictly prohibited. Maintaining secret or unrecorded Company funds or bank accounts are also strictly prohibited. All Company records must be truthful and accurate.
No intentional misclassification of transactions as to accounts, business units or accounting periods are permitted and accurate documentation in reasonable detail must support all transactions. This applies to all transactions, large or small. Thus, the preparation of expense reports and time sheets, the posting of sales and marketing data, and the recording of significant capital improvements or investments require the same degree of accuracy and transparency.
Innity is committed to the development of durable and long-term relationship with customers, communities in which the Company operates, shareholders and vendors. Our integrity and good name is fundamental to the creation of such relationships.
As a general rule, employees must not accept anything from third parties that may influence the business decisions they make on behalf of the Company. The exchange of social amenities (i.e., business lunches, dinners or entertainment) between Company employees and third parties is acceptable when reasonably related to a clear business purpose and within bounds of good taste and what is customary in a normal business relationship. However, any entertainment, favour or gift that is too repetitive or carries a perception of influence or obligation for the giver or the recipient is inappropriate. The appearance of impropriety must be avoided.
As employees of Innity each one of us is a steward of its assets. As such, employees have the obligation to (a) protect and preserve the Company’s assets and resources and (b) assist the Company in its efforts to control costs.
Company assets include, but are not limited to, such things as electronic mail, computer systems, documents, equipment, facilities, information, the Company’s logo and name, materials and supplies. Any use of these assets for purposes other than the discharge of Company business is to be avoided. Moreover, the use of the Company’s assets and resources for personal financial gain is strictly prohibited.
All Company employees are required to respect the Company’s confidential and proprietary information and trade secrets. A trade secret is generally defined as any type of information that the Company maintains as confidential and that provides the Company with an opportunity to obtain an advantage over its competitors that do not know or use such information. This can include inventions, business information, technical information and computer programs.
Unless an appropriate officer of the Company authorizes in writing the release or disclosure of Company confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information, employees shall not make any such disclosure. Additionally, the Company absolutely forbids the use or disclosure of any non-Company confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information, including that which comes to you or the Company through legitimate channels, a previous employer, competitor or vendor, unless so authorized in writing by the owner of the information.
The use of Company assets and resources for anything other than the conduct of Company business (e.g., personal, community or charitable endeavors) requires express written authorization from a supervisor.
What constitutes misuse of Company assets and resources? How do we know if personal use of Company assets and resources crosses the line of reasonableness? The following examples are provided as illustrative of misuse and unreasonableness:
Company policy and public securities exchanges establish strict guidelines for the use of material, non-public information (“inside information”) by employees, officers and directors. “Inside information” is generally defined as knowledge of Company business that has not been publicly disclosed and which may have an effect on the value of the Company securities (e.g., earning estimates, significant business investments, mergers, acquisitions and other developments, expansion or curtailment of operations and other activity of significance). “Material” inside information is confidential corporate information that would influence a reasonable person’s decision to buy, hold or sell the Company’s share or any other Company securities.
Accordingly, the Company requires all employees to strictly observe the following requirements:
The Company has established strict guidelines regarding inside information. These guidelines are contained in the Innity Securities Trading and Disclosure Policy, which may be found on the Company’s Website under the heading of Company Policies, Legal Compliance.
The Company is committed to conducting its business in an open, vigorous and competitive fashion. Any activity that undermines this commitment is unacceptable and may also be illegal. Therefore, all purchases and sales must be predicated strictly on considerations of efficiency, price, service and suitability.
The Company’s policy is to comply with both the letter and the spirit of the antitrust laws and the competition laws of the countries where we operate. The Company expects every employee to comply with them fully. Violations of the law can result in severe penalties, including personal criminal liability.
Due to the complexity of antitrust laws it would be impossible to provide a detailed discussion of them in this Code of Conduct. However, the following examples illustrate practices that are prohibited:
It has been a long-standing policy of the Company to make every effort to provide its employees with a safe and productive work environment and to maintain the confidence of our other constituents, namely, customers, shareholders and vendors. To this end, the possession, purchase, sale, transfer, use or presence in one’s system of any illegal drugs or controlled substances (except drugs medically prescribed for the employee) by any employee while on Company premises, engaged in Company business is prohibited.
Similarly, the possession, purchase, sale, transfer or unauthorised use of alcohol in a Company facility or on Company premises is prohibited. The use or consumption of alcohol and drugs off the job or off the Company premises may also be the subject of disciplinary action if such use impairs the job performance of an employee, or endangers the health or safety of employees or the public.
Illegal drugs and controlled substances are defined as all forms of depressants, hallucinogens, narcotics, stimulants and other drugs whose possession, transfer or use is restricted or prohibited by law.
All Company entities, wherever located throughout the world, will abide by applicable laws and regulations relative to the possession, purchase, sale, transfer or use of alcohol and drugs.
We expect everyone to observe the letter and the spirit of the Code of Conduct. Periodically, certain employees are required to complete and sign the Code of Conduct Questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”). Except where expressly prohibited by written law, the completion and return of the Questionnaire is a condition of employment. The Questionnaire contains an acknowledgement that the employee has read the Code of Conduct and complies with its requirements. The Questionnaire is sent annually to certain employees by the relevant officer on behalf of the Audit/Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors.
Any employee who violates our Code of Conduct, Company policies and procedures or the law, or knowingly permits a subordinate to do so, will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination, civil prosecution, or claims for damages or losses. Disciplinary action for violations will be applied consistently and fairly throughout the Company.
The Audit/Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company shall have oversight of the administration of our Code of Conduct and responsibility for the corporate compliance effort within the Company. At least once a year, the relevant officer shall inform the Audit/Ethics Committee about the Company’s corporate compliance activities and the occurrence of all significant events relating to the Code of Conduct.
Any violation of this Code of Conduct causes harm to the Company, to fellow employees and ultimately to shareholders. Violation may result in physical injuries, the impairment of corporate assets, monetary losses, violations of the law, penalties and, in certain instances, such violations may result in irreparable injury to the reputation of Innity. For these reasons, employees are obligated to promptly report any concerns or problems or any actual or suspected violations of our Code of Conduct to the relevant officer.
The decision to report a concern or problem is not always easy. Nonetheless, the Company encourages employees to discuss their concerns and seek assistance, irrespective of the nature of the problem or how insignificant the problem may appear. The Company wants to ensure that employees seeking advice will receive prompt guidance before the fact, i.e., prior to engaging in conduct that may be in violation of the Code of Conduct.
No employee shall suffer retaliation in any form for reporting, in good faith, suspected violations of this Code of Conduct. Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who retaliates directly or indirectly against any employee who reports an actual or suspected violation of the Company’s policies or the Company’s Code of Conduct. This policy applies even in those instances where the allegation appears ultimately groundless provided that the allegation was made in good faith.
Any employee who knowingly reports false or misleading information will, however, be subject to disciplinary action.
The Company will make every effort to safeguard the confidentiality of statements and other information reported by employees. Subject only to legal requirements or court order, the Company will also endeavor, when requested, to maintain the anonymity of employees reporting suspected violations in good faith.
The appropriate Company personnel should be sought for advice whenever there are any questions or concerns about compliance with this Code of Conduct, Company policies and procedures, applicable laws; or in those instances when a suspected violation of the Code of Conduct needs to be reported; or there is a question as to the “right thing” to do under any given circumstances. If an employee is uncomfortable discussing the particular issue with his or her supervisor, or the supervisor does not answer the question or problem to the satisfaction of the employee, employee should contact the appropriate Human Resources representative for their region.
Throughout the Code of Conduct, the terms “we”, “Innity” and “Company” are used interchangeably to refer to Innity incorporated and all of its affiliated companies in which Innity incorporated owns, directly or indirectly, more than fifty percent of the voting shares. The use of such terms as “we”, “Innity” or “Company” is for convenience only and is not intended as an accurate description of corporate or other legal relationships between or among Innity incorporated and its affiliates. Throughout this document, the phrase, “Code of Conduct” refers solely to the Innity Business Code of Conduct.
Innity expressly states that:
Innity Corporation Berhad and its group of companies (hereinafter referred to as “INNITY”) are committed to applying the highest standards of ethical conduct, integrity and accountability in all of INNITY’s business activities and operations. This VCC applies to each and every one of INNITY’s commercial dealings and relationships and it shall include but is not limited to, transactions in the form of quotation, tender, purchase order, work order and/or letter of award (collectively known as “Business Transaction”).
INNITY requires its sellers, vendors, contractors, service providers and/or anyone having dealings with any of the entities within INNITY (collectively known as “Vendor”) to adhere to the same or equivalent principle in their own activities and in the management of their sub-vendors, sub-contractors, sub-service providers, and/or any such third party (collectively known as “Sub-Contractor”).
INNITY regards the adherence to these principles as an important factor in its decision to enter or continue relationships with Vendor.
Considering the above, INNITY requires written confirmation from the Vendor that in conducting any Business Transaction with any of the entities within INNITY, the Vendor shall comply and shall ensure that any Sub-Contractor complies with the requirements set out in this Agreement. This VCC shall be entered into between the INNITY with the Vendor, and the declarations made herein shall be binding on the Vendor for purposes of all dealings with INNITY and shall be enforceable by the INNITY.
Click and download the VCC form (PDF format) below, complete it digitally, then email to cc with the email subject: [New Vendor] Vendor company name _month’year
Policy and Procedure on Conflict of Interest
The purpose of this policy is to provide the highest-level principles and expectations of Innity Group of Companies and its subsidiaries regarding the duties and obligations of all Innity’s Personnel to avoid situations that present, or create the appearance of, a potential conflict of interest.
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
This Anti-Bribery & Corruption (“ABC”) Policy is to further enforce the INNITY Group Business Code of Conduct to ensure that employees understand their responsibilities in compliance with the INNITY Group’s zero tolerance for bribery and corruption within the organisation.
Gratification can be subdivided into the following categories (without limitation to):-
Whistle-Blowing Policy
All employees are encouraged to raise genuine concerns about possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting, compliance and other malpractices at the earliest opportunity, and in an appropriate way.
This policy is designed to:
This policy not only covers possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting, but also:
The principles underpinning the policy are as follows:
If any employee believes reasonably and in good faith that malpractice exists in the work place, the employee should report this immediately to the line manager. However, if for any reason the employee is reluctant to do so, then the employee should report the concern via the following channels:
Name | Audit Committee | Board of Directors |
Mr. Cheong Chee Yun |
Chairman | Independent Non-Executive Director |
Mr. Fung Kam Foo, Alan |
Member | Independent Non-Executive Director |
Puan Norliza Binti Rasool Khan |
Member | Independent Non-Executive Director |
Any report can be submitted confidentially via email to any of the above Independent Non-Executive Director
The above-mentioned persons will provide the employee counseling advice. Your concerns will be reported to the company without revealing your identity.
Employees’ identities will not be disclosed without prior consent. Where concerns cannot be resolved without revealing the identity of the employee raising the concern (i.e. if the evidence is required in court), a dialogue will be carried out with the employee concerned as to whether and how the matter can be proceeded.
All employees are encouraged to raise genuine concerns about impropriety at the earliest opportunity, and in an appropriate way. Conduct becomes reportable when it happens or when it is reasonably likely to occur.
As a first action, a whistle-blower should raise concerns using the method below:
A report should be raised with the employee’s manager who will then notify the Audit and Risk Management Committee. This depends, however, on the seriousness and sensitivity of the issues involved and who is suspected of the misconduct. The manager must undertake to treat all allegations in a confidential and sensitive manner, as set out in this Policy.
The manager notified:
Concerns must be raised in writing in email. The following information must be available in order for the Audit and Risk Management Committee to proceed with the investigation:
(Refer to Attachment 1 for sample format of report)
The individual may independently engage professional advice or guidance on how to pursue the matter before coming forth. The individual may have colleagues, friends or legal adviser present during any meetings or interview with the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee is committed to investigate and address all cases of reported misconduct. The Audit and Risk Management Committee shall:
The Audit and Risk Management Committee will ensure that the individual raising a concern is notified of the person (owner) who is handling the matter.
In order to protect individuals and those accused of misconduct, initial enquiries will be made to decide whether an investigation is appropriate and, if so, what form it should take. The concern raised may :
Based on the level of Severity, the Audit and Risk Management Committee shall determine the channel for investigation and follow-up action.
Severity Level | Channel | Findings to report to |
1 | Audit and Risk Management Committee | Audit and Risk Management Committee |
2 | Delegated to Senior Management | Audit and Risk Management Committee |
The members of the Senior Management shall be:
The whistle-blower may seek follow-up information about an investigation of a report or any consequent action taken. Subject to legal limitation, the whistle-blower will be kept informed of the final outcome of the investigation.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee shall update the Board of Directors on the progress and conclusion of each investigation on a periodic basis.
If there are matters that require the Board’s attention immediately, the Audit and Risk Management Committee may request the Company Secretary to arrange for an ad-hoc meeting.
Remuneration Policy
This Remuneration Policy is developed in alignment with the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”). It is intended to provide guidance for the Board of Directors (“Board”) and the Remuneration Committee (“RC”) to administer the remuneration of its Executive Directors and Senior Manager, taking into account the demands, complexities and performance of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) as well as skills and experience required.
The remuneration practices of the Group should comply with the following objectives:
Component | Description |
Salary | Monthly payment which forms basic remuneration |
Bonus | A performance based sum (paid via cash, shares or stock options) may be awarded to Executive Directors and Senior Management personnel for attaining or exceeding their assigned key performance indicators (“KPIs”). |
Benefits | In addition to statutory contributions, Executive Directors and Senior Managers may be provided with benefits such as travelling allowance, leave passage, medical benefits and insurance coverage. |
Fees | A fixed sum provided for their ongoing contribution to the Board, if applicable. |
This Remuneration Policy is developed in alignment with the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”). It is intended to provide guidance for the Board of Directors (“Board”) and the Remuneration Committee (“RC”) to administer the remuneration of its Non-Executive Directors, taking into account the demands, complexities and performance of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) as well as skills and experience required.
The remuneration practices of the Group should comply with the following objectives:
Component | Description |
Fees | A fixed sum provided to Non Executive Directors for their ongoing contribution to the Board. |
Meeting allowance | A payment shall be made to Directors on a per-meeting basis with a condition that attendance (physical or virtual) is a prerequisite for remittance. |
This Remuneration Policy is developed in alignment with the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”). It is intended to provide guidance for the Board of Directors (“Board”) and the Remuneration Committee (“RC”) to administer the remuneration of its Executive Directors and Senior Manager, taking into account the demands, complexities and performance of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) as well as skills and experience required.
The remuneration practices of the Group should comply with the following objectives:
Component | Description |
Salary | Monthly payment which forms basic remuneration |
Bonus | A performance based sum (paid via cash, shares or stock options) may be awarded to Executive Directors and Senior Management personnel for attaining or exceeding their assigned key performance indicators (“KPIs”). |
Benefits | In addition to statutory contributions, Executive Directors and Senior Managers may be provided with benefits such as travelling allowance, leave passage, medical benefits and insurance coverage. |
Fees | A fixed sum provided for their ongoing contribution to the Board, if applicable. |
This Remuneration Policy is developed in alignment with the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”). It is intended to provide guidance for the Board of Directors (“Board”) and the Remuneration Committee (“RC”) to administer the remuneration of its Non-Executive Directors, taking into account the demands, complexities and performance of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) as well as skills and experience required.
The remuneration practices of the Group should comply with the following objectives:
Component | Description |
Fees | A fixed sum provided to Non Executive Directors for their ongoing contribution to the Board. |
Meeting allowance | A payment shall be made to Directors on a per-meeting basis with a condition that attendance (physical or virtual) is a prerequisite for remittance. |
Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy
Diversity Policy
This Policy is reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on 23 AUG, 2022
Sustainability Policy
This Policy is reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on 23 AUG, 2022
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